Pharo is a clean, innovative, open-source, live-programming environment. Get immersed in a world of living objects!
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Pharo with Style (New 2022 Edition) explains the difference between code that runs and code that talks to the reader. New version from 02/2022 and also available on print!
Agile Artificial Intelligence with Pharo Covers artificial intelligence and practical algorithm programming using Pharo Includes three fully working sample applications.
Learning Object-Oriented Programming, Design and TDD with Pharo is a new book on OOP and OOD using TDD and presenting essential aspects of object-oriented programming in Pharo.
The Spec UI framework explains the default framework for building user interfaces in Pharo, called Spec. 2017
Far too many good chapters or material were written and pending to be part of a future book. But producing a good book is a huge task, so we decided to divide the work and produce autonomous and focused booklets. We are expecting to have GLORP, Magritte, Voyage, Reddit and probably much more as booklets. If you have material just contact us. We will migrate the current one to a good format and offer lulu printing.
XPath is a powerful technology. In this tutorial we show how we use it to scrap information from HTML page. Booklet written by S. Ducasse and P. Kenny. You can find the latest version here.
Smacc is a powerful frameworks to parse languages. In this book we show how we use it first with a tutorial. Then we describe the advanced aspects of Smacc. Written by J. Brant, J. Lecerf, T. Goubier S. Ducasse, and A. P. Black. You can find the latest version here.
Commander20 is a simple and powerful command frameworks. In this book we show how we use it first with a tutorial. Then we describe its internal and design decisions.Written by S. Ducasse and Julien Delplanque. You can find the latest version here.
This book explains the concurrency model and some implementation aspects of Pharo here.
UFFI is a powerful framework to invoke foreign functions. In this book we show how we use it first with a tutorial. You can find the latest version here.
Zinc is a powerful and elegant framework to build HTTP client/server applications. You can find the latest version here.
Bloc is the new graphical core of future Pharo version. This tutorial makes you build a little game to get started with Bloc. The continuous build of the book is available at here.
"A simple reflective object kernel" explains ObVlisp a simple reflective kernel and it shows how to build step by step this kernel based on two classes: Object and Class. Booklet written by S. Ducasse.
"Call Stack Management" explains how a call stack is represented in virtual machines. Written by C. Bera with S. Ducasse.
Deep into Pharo is the second volume of a series of books covering Pharo. Whereas the first volume is intended for newcomers, this second volume covers deeper topics.
Numerical Methods In Pharo is a book from Didier Besset on numerical methods. It covers many topics related to data science: function interpolation, iteration, zeroes, linear algebra series, statistics, estimation, minimisation, and data mining.
Tiny Blog is a tutorial from Olivier Auverlot, Stéphane Ducasse and Luc Fabresse. It brings you step by step through the building of a little web blog application. This tutorial is part of the Pharo MOOC.
Tiny Blog est un tutoriel écrit par Olivier Auverlot, Stéphane Ducasse et Luc Fabresse. Ce tutoriel vous guide pas à pas dans la réalisation d'une petite application Web. Cette ressource est une partie du MOOC Pharo.
Pharo by Example 50 is a new version of Pharo by Example for Pharo5.0. 2017. The next edition of Pharo By Example is currently being written. You can find the drafts at (PDF).
Pharo by Example (OLD), intended for both students and developers, will guide you gently through the Pharo language and environment by means of a series of examples and exercises. Pay attention this edition is OLD OLD OLD. The next edition of Pharo By Example is currently being written. You can find the drafts at (PDF).