Smacc: a Compiler-Compiler


This chapter defines some vocabulary used by Smacc.

Reference Example

Let us take the following grammar.

<number> : [0-9]+ (\. [0-9]*) ? ;
<whitespace> : \s+;

%left "+" "-";
%left "*" "/";
%right "^";
%root Expression;
%prefix AST;
%suffix Node;

	: Expression 'left' "+" 'operator' Expression 'right' {{Binary}}
	| Expression 'left' "-" 'operator' Expression 'right' {{Binary}}
	| Expression 'left' "*" 'operator' Expression 'right' {{Binary}}
	| Expression 'left' "/" 'operator' Expression 'right' {{Binary}}
	| Expression 'left' "^" 'operator' Expression 'right' {{Binary}}
	| "(" Expression ")" {{}}
	| Number
	: <number> {{Number}}

Metagrammar structure

SmaCC grammars are written in EBNF format (Extended Backus-Naur Form) with a syntax ressembling closely to the one of GNU Bison. A grammar is composed of:

Note that you can also find the metagrammar of SmaCC described in itself in the SmaCCDefinitionParser.


Production rule

The following expressions define two production rules.

	: Expression 'left' "+" 'operator' Expression 'right' {{Binary}}
	| Expression 'left' "-" 'operator' Expression 'right' {{Binary}}

	: <number> {{Number}}

A production rule is defined by a left hand side and several alternatives.

An alternative can be composed of any variation of:

In addition, you can use the single curly braces {} to define an arbitrary semantic action or the double curly braces {{}} to create an AST node instead. Non terminals and tokens can be annotated with variable names (delimited by ') that will be the instance variable names of the AST node.


Tokens are identified by the scanner. A token specification is composed of a token name and a token regular expression.

<TokenName>    :    RegularExpression ;

The following token specification describes a number. It starts with one or more digits, possibly followed by a decimal point with zero or more digits after it. The scanner definition for this token is:

<number>        :       [0-9]+ (\. [0-9]*) ? ;

Let's go over each part:

Names the token identified by the expression. The name inside the <> must be a legal Pharo variable name.
Separates the name of the token from the token's definition.
Matches any single character in the range '0' to '9' (a digit). We could also use \d or <isDigit> as these also match digits.
Matches the previous expression one or more times. In this case, we are matching one or more digits.
( ... )
Groups subexpressions. In this case we are grouping the decimal point and the numbers following the decimal point.
Matches the '.' character (. has a special meaning in regular expressions, quotes it).
Matches the previous expression zero or more times.
Matches the previous expression zero or one time (i.e., it is optional).
Terminates a token specification.


Keywords are defined in the production and delimited by ". Keywords are only defined through static strings, regular expressions cannot be used. In the following example, "+" and "-" are considered keywords.

	: Expression 'left' "+" 'operator' Expression 'right' {{Binary}}
	| Expression 'left' "-" 'operator' Expression 'right' {{Binary}}

Non Terminal

In the production rule Expression 'left' "+" 'operator' Expression 'right', Expression is a non terminal.


Variables give name to one element of a production. For example

Expression 'left' "^" 'operator' Expression 'right'