! Miscellanous In this section we present some questions that occured on the Pharo mailing-list and may help you. !! Mongo collection One question is if it Is possible to retrieve data from Mongo collection if it was not created via Voyage. The answer is yes but you need to customize a bit. # Make sure you refer to the right collection. [[[ descriptionContainer ^ VOMongoContainer new collectionName: 'yo' yourself ]]] # For materializationyou should at least have some fields such ==\_id==. You can ask the serializer for the fields: [[[ VOMongoSerializer fieldVersion (#version) VOMongoSerializer fieldType (#instanceOf) ]]] You can probably add ==#version== and ==#instanceOf== to your existing objects. the solution to my initial issue is to create a class MyClass with two class side methods MyClass class >> isVoyageRoot ^ true MyClass class >> descriptionContainer ^ VOContainer new collectionName: 'myCollection'; yourself Also, to properly read the data one should add instance variables to depending on what is in the database. For example: { "_id" : ObjectId("5900a0175bc65a2b7973b48a"), "item" : "canvas", "qty" : 100, "tags" : [ "cotton" ] } In this case MyClass should have instanceVariables: 'item qty tags' and accessors. Plus, on the class side mongoItem ^ VOToOneDescription new attributeName: 'item'; kind: String; yourself mongoQty ^ VOToOneDescription new attributeName: 'qty'; kind: Integer; yourself mongoTags ^ VOToOneDescription new attributeName: 'tags'; kind: OrderedCollection; yourself After that one can connect to database and get the information. | repository | repository := VOMongoRepository database: 'databaseName'. repository selectAll: MyClass Big thanks to Sabine, Esteban and Holger!